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Kick Off the Fall Term Right

Hello Scholar!

I’d like to repost words of advice to start the term off right. You have to investigate services and resources available for each of your classes. You can set the stage for success when you explore and access resources early on. Complete the checklist below. ACCOMMODATIONS If you have academic accommodations for a condition or disability (permanent and/or temporary) get in touch with your college office who manages accommodations (Dean of Students, Academic Support Services, Disability Services) to activate your accommodations (don’t wait!). As a dean who coordinated accommodations I found it helpful to have students check in - by coming in and talking with me. Go to the office to schedule a meeting or call and then follow up with an email. This is a busy time for these services so don’t count on dropping in and finding the right person available. Schedule ahead. TUTORING/TEACHING ASSISTANTS Some classes and departments (like math) offer peer tutoring outside of class. If there is tutoring find out where and when and try it right away. Even if you do not think you have the time or need, try it for a few weeks. It is imperative to give the available resources a shot. Add class tutoring to your schedule so you don’t forget about it. STUDY GROUP/BUDDIES Study groups can offer a great advantage.You can discuss and review lectures, class notes, and readings together. Try identifying like-minded students in the class early on and bring the group together. Talk about ways to use your group time. Agree to a regular time and place and keep the group a reasonable size. OFFICE HOURS Going to office hours should be a top priority, because you want to get the most out of the class, get to know the instructor, and partner with them in support of your success. Remember both of you have the same goal. Add the instructor’s office hours to your schedule as if they were class time. If the time conflicts with another class, ask to schedule a different time when both of you are available. Do it now so that you know what day and time works for both of you. WRITE DOWN YOUR WEEKLY SCHEDULE Include class, lab, meals, sleep, office hours, tutoring, study and homework time. Add other committed time like work, family, worship, etc. Be sure to include time for relaxation and friends, physical activity and/or time to clear your mind (walk, run, yoga, dance, meditation, team sport, etc.). Take the time you have now to explore resources and strategies and establish a routine. Procrastination and confusion are the enemy to success. Coaching Scholars helps you get to know these things early on and leverage resources. Coaching Scholars helps bridge the gap so that you can meet with your instructors, tutors, advisors, deans, and others with greater confidence. You learn a lot of great information and new ideas by talking with people, take the lead!


Dr. J.

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