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Improve Performance through Breath

Dear Scholar,

Recently I took a meditation class. It was a great class because I learned valuable information and practiced meditation. I was reminded of the power of breath in the practice of meditation. Breath is described as the string, with the mind the kite (and the body the spool of string). The mind tends to fly all of the place, thinking about things from the past, worries about the future, distractions everywhere. Breath to the rescue! The key to calming the mind and bringing it under control. This may seem overly simple, yet it is a wonderful example of the beauty and power of the human mind and body. Try a brief meditation session (5 to 10 minutes) using the breathing technique called “Nadi Shodhan Pranayama.” This technique alternates breath between the nostrils, helping us bring our mind to the present moment. (please see the demonstration on the webpage below). The technique works therapeutically, massaging the nasal passages. It can help release stress in the mind and body, allowing us to relax. The technique helps harmonize the left and right hemispheres of the brain, which correlate to the logical and emotional sides of our personality. The first time I tried it I was blown away. In less than 10 minutes I felt invigorated, my mind clear. My sinuses felt as though they had received a gentle massage. I felt calm yet motivated. It was awesome! I have been doing it ever since. It is amazing how focusing my mind on breathing in and then out through each nostril, alternating, could feel so good. I encourage you to try it at any point of the day (the earlier the better). Practice makes it even better. Add it to your daily to-do list until it becomes a regular part of your day. For a demonstration of this breathing technique visit the website:


Dr. J.

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